Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Imagination - Hair Extensions

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
Albert Einstein  

I love science. I love investigating, experimenting and finding out why things are they way they are. I was a champion of the Singapore Science Centre Quiz Challenge at the age of eleven! haha.... As part of growing up, I soon realised that there are many things, events and phenomena that occur without a reason. Perhaps explanations exist but human minds are just not "smart" enough yet to comprehend. Without reasoning, logic and science; makes anything almost unable to replicate. No two persons' imaginations are exactly the same at free will. 

Now imagine what you can do with hair extensions. Do not fear. Extremely easy to put on as they come with bend and snap comb clips. Just lift a small section of hair on the top, slide the comb clip underneath the lifted hair section and snap it in place. You can wear the colourful hair extensions with both straight and curly hair. Let your hair down, tie a ponytail, bun it up or braid it. Use your imagination to stand out from the crowd!!! Measures 40cm in length and 3.5cm width. Comes in 8 fascinating colours. S$6.00 each. Or buy 2 or more at S$5.00 each.

Colours from left to right:
Forever Black, Choc Brown, Light Brown, Feisty Red, Fuchsia Pink, Tangy Orange, Crazy Green and Baby Blue.

Hair Extensions - Surprises and add colours to your life!!!

Hair Extensions with Bend and Snap Comb Clips

Hair Extension on Straight Hair
Hair Extension on Curly Hair

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